Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Month of December.......By Denny C.


 The month of December, has been one of my favorite times of the year, for fun with friends  and family and some of the best memories have been born around this time. And yet sometimes it can be one of the hardest and emotional times as well.

    Sometimes those with brain injury can have small to a drastic change in their personality and what they like. So sometimes you think, “Oh Denny loves this dessert during Christmas, or I just know he will love this type of gift , he’s into those type of things.” Only to realize that they might not like eating the same way they did before, or that their tastes may have drastically changed or they’re no longer into that type of games, or clothes, or shows, or movies, or music. And the list could go on and on, even their favorite color might have changed, or the words they use might be different than the words they used before.

    And yet they look mainly the same, their voice might sound the same, depending on the injuries they might have had or being on a vent. But they are still going by the same name. And yet if only they could recover 100%. Now coming to you being one of those who has a severe brain injury, they too might want to make those around them happy by being 100% they might not ever be. I’m different and it took a while for my family to get use to the changes I have in me. Not major changes mind you, but differently changes.

    Now back to the point of this blog for today. Be happy! Yes be happy, it never does any good to waller in self-pity and be upset with yourself, if certain people don’t hang out with you like they did in the past. Or they talk to you less when you’re gathered together. Just move forward and strive to be all you are and can be. Being down never changes anything, but being up and positive about yourself each day, can help you overcome and experience, or see things you never dreamed you would ever do!!!

    And for those of you who are the ones who have had a friend or family member who survived a  severe brain injury and they seem to not be the same, deep down they are , they cannot help the changes in their thinking and likes and dislikes or even communication abilities they once had. So just grow to know the new person they might be and live them and help them where they need it and where they will let you do it.

    If you would ever like to reach out to me, you can follow me on Twitter at @Lifelucky or you can go to our YouTube Page!! You can Follow us on Facebook at the Family Factor email me  at thefamilyfactors@gmail.com And if you need me to ever come and speak to your church or group you may email me or call me at 405-265-8006. May you and your Family be blessed!!

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