Tuesday, May 3, 2022

     Why Life is a Pinball ...by Scooter C  May 3rd 2022

     Last weekend I went to a gathering of  Christian men, from all over the country.  The meeting is  called "Men's Advance". It is in  Stillwater, Oklahoma .  And normally it is every year  around the end of April.   

    Their theme this year was, "Life is a Pinball", and it really showed how each and every one of us are nothing than a pinball,  that constantly gets bumped by  the decisions we make, the actions of others,  and circumstances we face and go through in our lives.   

    This got me to thinking about  recovering form a severe brain injury.  How as you take each step  in recovery, there are going to be  many bumpers in the way of progress, that can shove and push you back ,several steps.  Only to have to start over again, and the frustration it causes.

    For anyone in life who is recovering from anything, I mean anything , there will always be bumpers as you, being like a pinball, roll though this life.  Say you have ,for a long time, been  clean from drugs abuse .  Whether it be  drugs, legal or illegal, alcohol,  pornography, overeating, gambling, spending beyond your monthly income , or a person who constantly is lying to others, on the phone  or even in Facebook, twitter etc.   You've worked hard to beat what ever it is  or like me you  have been recovering from a severe injury to your brain or  body, or heart , only leading you to sometimes want to throw in the towel and quit, DON'T!!

    Your life is worth it!! Don't quit, maybe stop, shut off everything  around you, and breath  and pray to the Father in heaven.   He will hear you. He knows what your going through and though Him you can always make it, but there is one important  statement you must not ever forget.  IN HIS TIME!  I told myself that I wanted my life to go back to normal NOW, right at THIS TIME!!  And of course it didn't and it doesn't .  Real life is not  like that.  However as the song says ," In His time , in His time . He makes all things beautiful in His time. Lord please show me every day, as Your teaching me Your way. That You do just what You say, in Your time."  

    If I were to look at a the Fathers thoughts on this life inside a pinball machine, where I'm the pinball in play   the scripture  I would use , in the KJV , would be Psalms 130:5, "I wait on the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope." 

    Now let me close with this last thought, What is your scripture?  What is your thought about your life in this maze of pinball?  If I can ever be of a help please contact me  !  

    So don't give up , grow in your faith, for out of it,  will you grow in  your patience. Overcoming what ever  bumper  you come up against and let the Lord and His word correct  your  paths  toward  peace , rest and happiness.


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