Monday, April 25, 2022

Branson is not a Misery in Missouri ! Really its not!

  Well  my wife  Cyndi and I had a wonderful weekend together at Branson. We went and saw Sight and Sounds "Jesus" which is a must see!!  It was a great musical  of the life of Jesus from birth to his death  and  resurrection on the earth.  

    We saw another musical  and story  about a Baptist  Church  in the 30's . great southern gospel music !!  And while there was a lot of  comedy , in my opinion the  funniest character was  played by  a young lady  who  was more funny  , as my wife said then most male comedians!!  

     Now to the purpose of this post, happiness.  What is happiness?    You know 20 years ago  this Friday  is the 20th anniversary  of the  car wreck that  told me that nope I'm not superman  and  nope my head is not made of steel.   20 years ago my ex-wife was told that I wasn't expected to live, and if I lived I would be nothing more than a 1 year old, due to the  severe brain injury. 

      Happiness was not waking up in T.I.R.R.  after being  transferred 3 weeks earlier from Herman hospital  where the brain surgery took place  and  where I was put in  a induced coma for  over 30 days then  transferred  to T.I.R.R.  

     Happiness is not  meeting someone only to forget who they are with in 10 minutes, only to forget ,and then  meet them again 10 minutes later and ask who they are.  I was literally the  30 second memory dude off of the movie 50 1st dates!!

    Happiness is not  knowing who your ex-wife is when she is still your wife  and you don't recognize them and your dad keeps saying to you she's your girlfriend, due to the  issue with my brain. 

     Happiness is not  know simple words of the English language and the word you choose might mean the same thing but it is not what you would normally use in your day to day language.

     Happiness is not being able to keep  mouth shut, due to a non barrier issue,  when you think about what  to say  and it can be something really dumb or  that the other party didn't need to know.    For when it happens, it can cause hurt feelings and anger in the other people you are speaking  to, and can cause an escalation  to the events you are talking about.     

     Happiness is not being shunned and put down by the spouse you gave your life to  and  to be accused of things you would never do, to have to spend a lot of money to prove your innocence only to never be told ,"sorry" form them.

     Happiness is  not  being told you can never  do the same work that you loved doing for 15 years  due to the lies and the so called sin you were guilty of that you committed in private, that your repented of and  confessed in private prayer.

     Happiness is not  to see your children taken across state lines from you while your still recovering at T.I.R.R and see you own parents  hurt by what the other party is doing to you,  their chu ,while you are still recovering from a major injury.

     Now I could go on and on with what happiness is not , but why would I ?  I am nothing but blood and bone and  soul.  And happiness is that  Jesus  of Nazareth, being the son of God  and fashioned as a man , became that living sacrifice for the sins of us all!! 

     I'm nothing  but Jesus helped me realize that I'm  actually something!  So happiness is the blessings of having 20 years of recovery and growth and experience in things I might not have ever experienced if it had not been for that wreck 20 years ago!!

    What good is a life ,if all I do is sit and  have my heart feasting on anger and sadness for the hurt, the lies, and the issues that came about due to my own foolish choices, decisions, and actions.

       Your not perfect  and if you are a saved  Christian , then do not let  the  life of your past or present ,with the mistakes you have made or are currently making,  tear you up and not  press forward in the steps of life  of happiness !!!  For if you  do it, will keep you bitter toward yourself and others!!   Then those who  were out to hurt you, and defeat you, will win!!                 



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